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Super powereds: year one by Drew Hayes

Super Powereds: year one by Drew Hayes 

In a world… actually, can you all read the next little bit in the Epic Trailers Guy’s voice, it will really help me out? In a world full of Super powered people, not all people are created equal. Okay, you can stop reading in the Epic Trailers Guy’s voice now, thank you. Trained and License Heroes protect the innocent from supers who have decided to use their gifts for crime, but that’s not our story. Our story begins with Five young powereds, people with superpowers but who are unable to control them. These five powereds are selected for an experimental procedure, one that will turn them from powereds into supers, and not only that, but then they are given the opportunity to enter the HCP, Hero Certification Program, in the hopes that these five powereds will some day be called Heroes. Forced to keep their identity as Heroes in training secret from the world at large and their identities as former powereds 

Secret from their fellow Heroes in training, the Five former powereds are going to be tested and pushed in ways they never imagined, in order to fulfill a dream none of them ever thought possible.

Full of unique and compelling characters and a writing style that is engaging and witty. Each of the five powereds brings something special to the group, and is a fun take on the Genre. Mary is a telepath who was forced into seclusion because she couldn’t shut out all the voices in her head, Hershel an Roy are twin brothers with a twist, Hershel is awkward and overweight but very smart and his brother Roy is super strong and handsome oh and the two brothers share a body, Alice is a rich girl who used to float into the air every time she got to happy, Vince spent his childhood as a homeless wanderer and absorbs and expels energy any energy and Nick was raised by Vegas mobsters and has the power to turn luck either very bad or very good. Watching these characters interact, grow and learn to trust each other is one of the high points of this first novel. Throughout the entire thing Drew Hayes makes you love them, hate them, fear for them, and by the end truly cheer for them. The secondary cast are all charming in their own way as well but if I was to get into them, we’d be here all day.

It is said that the best superhero stories aren’t superhero stories, they are other stories that just happen to have superheroes in them. I am not entirely sure I agree with this rule completely but With Super Powereds: Year one, it is absolutely true. At its heart Super Powereds is a coming of age story, a college story, a story about acceptance, just one that has people who can turn invisible or throw bolts of ice in it. 
The Super Powereds series is rapidly becoming one of my favorite series, and if my College experience was anything like this… I’d still have probably dropped out, but I might have tried a bit harder before I did. I can strongly recommend it to anyone who likes superheroes, anyone who enjoys stories about characters learning who they are and who they want to be, anyone who enjoys rooting for the underdog or anyone who has ever felt like they didn’t belong.
5 out of 5 stars.

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