Chris reviews: The Last Hypothesis

Full disclosure, the author of The Last Hypothesis, L.C. Paoletti is my uncle. Because of the familial association, I had originally intended to write an analytical factual, and as objective as possible review, upon finishing however, I find this task to be impossible.

In my experience, The Last Hypothesis is unique and refreshing, choosing to focus on the struggle and excitement of exploration and discovery, of learning and science, rather than some manufactured external conflict makes this book very nearly singular in the realms of science fiction. 

The love for and understanding of Science, education, and mushrooms indigenous to New England that L.See. Paoletti has is evident from page 1 and his characters are well formed, even if they sometimes feel as if they are taking a backseat to larger ideas in the story.

The story it’s self is compelling, enough that the sometimes abrupt dialogue, muddy perspective, and awkward phrasing in the writing are easily forgiven.

On a personal level, I took absolute delight in the book applying real science and the scientific method to what can only be described as the metaphysical. 

If you want science fiction, with a heavy emphasis on the science but that doesn’t forget that it is a story about people, The Last Hypothesis is an absolute must read.

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