This page is dedicated to Alex’s contributions to The Amaranth Chronicles Blog. Here you’ll find his musings and stories as well as the CG art he produces for the Amaranth Chronicles.
My Astrocytoma Journey
This morning, I had one of the most vivid and intense dreams I’ve ever experienced. Before I was diagnosed with Astrocytoma, I used to have vivid dreams all the time—but this was the first one I’ve had since going through treatment three years ago.
It’s thrilling to be part of that transformation, whether through UX design, sci-fi storytelling, or AI development.
After receiving my astrocytoma diagnosis, I found myself overwhelmed by medical information that was hard to understand, let alone apply to my life. Like so many others facing this journey, I wanted to make sense of what lay ahead in a hopeful, human-centered way.
I’m Alexander Barnes. By profession, I’m a UX/UI designer for the last 16 years, crafting experiences that bridge the gap between human needs and digital worlds.
The journey with Astrocytoma, including AI-assisted and reflections on the fragility of the brain and the afterlife.
Mini-Stroke Survival: How AI and a Touch of Star Trek Guided Me Back to Health. We’re in a strange new world.
I was rushed to the ER. After 2.5 hours in an MRI. They found out I had a stroke. Things are a little weird right now.
Just had an out-of-this-world experience because of Astrocytoma. If it weren't for the photos, no one would believe me!
3D Character Art and Life Stories
Like many, many chapters in The Amaranth Chronicles: Deviant Rising, Chapter 12: There were four lights, is one I think both Chris and I have seen clearly in our
…How very bad it would be for those in power if everyone knew they were just as capable of changing the world…
Our teacher, no, our leader was dead and none of us, Will’s kids, knew what to do or how to take it…
I can now spot this in people earlier. I can spot the illumination further away, and it is only because others are so dimly lit
“The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul.”
“It was a profound moment when I uploaded the Storm Chaser to Sketchfab and it automatically turned my VR headset on”
Some things were very apparent very early on. For instance, the large round cargo bay door on the bottom of the vessel seemed to imply…
Strife; a world deep in the Frontier, far from the overarching grasp of the U.P.E
Just My Idea’s - The Series
For those of you who don’t know, I’ve been spearheading a remake of the PlayStation 1’s Colony Wars and Colony Wars: Vengeance. I’ve wanted to remake this game since…
Just like the rest of the world, I’ve been playing the Quake Re-release on my PC and Nintendo Switch for the last three weeks. Like the rest of the internet…
I know what a fearful-avoidant is. I know because I’m a magnet for them. If all that I am was reduced to a single word, that word would be…
Had a really profound dream last night. I’ve been reading and watching testimonials about DMT experiences which I think was the background of this dream.
Just woke up from a nightmare. I literally didn’t have time to even edit this, I just need to get this out.
Some might say I’ve spent too much time alone since the pandemic started, but this blog post may convince you that I haven’t spent damn near enough time in isolation.
“Early childhood trauma: the gift that keeps giving”
Now, that being said, there are two types of people reading this post; the ones who say “Sure, but what's that have to do with an 80’s cartoon?” and the ones who say “Finally someone said it! …
It’s easy to feel completely invisible in Silicon Valley. I don’t know how everyone else who’s looking for work during the pandemic is getting through it, but I’m remarked by how little things have changed for me, and that’s not a good thing…
You know those times that have felt almost cosmically aligned? Those things that couldn't have been predicted or even planned? There is no such thing as coincidence, there is only synchronicity.
… they’re just waiting for their fans to demand it…
Originally posted on our old tumblr in january 2018, man have I lost weight since then. :P
A lot of this journey has been feeling around in the dark and not knowing how to drive traffic to the series…
Originally posted on our tumblr on Nov 14th 2017 - Two year anniversary of our launch!
Something interesting happened back in July 2018. A friend and I were out for an afternoon in Sausalito California…
“The Helix was created to revolutionize the way we communicate, connect, and share.”
Yes, you read that right. The book has been out for nearly two years and we're just now getting on the Comicon bandwagon.
I was born and raised in sunny Santa Clara California; the same Santa Clara Steve Jobs started Apple Computers in and which is now home of the 49'niners football team.
Captain “Shard” of the United Planets of Earth ship: Enigma is tasked with carrying out U.P.E interests in the frontier.
Woke up yesterday morning to a Facebook notification from the "Suddenly Single Show" a podcast ran by a friend of mine whom I did an interview for back in January of 2019.
… a short movie or trailer in hopes of one day getting the funding necessary to turn the novels into a CG Netflix series.
"It is the unknown that defines our existence. We are constantly searching, not just for answers to our questions, but for new questions."