In a galaxy ruled by an all-seeing surveillance system, a rag-tag team of rebels from far-flung corners must uncover the outlawed ideals of existence and freedom.

The Helix was created to revolutionize the way we communicate. But even the purest of intentions can spawn terrible evil.

Lithia Boson never wanted to join some grand rebellion against evil, she just wanted to escape from her abusive aunt Petra and take her little brother Bobby with her but when the United Planets of Earth find out that the lone passenger on her little cargo ship is a rogue agent from the U.P.E. with knowledge of exactly how deep the government’s control of society goes, she isn’t given a choice.

Far from home and no one she can call on, Lithia must turn to a group of ragtag freedom fighters and refugees for help but who can she really trust when they are the reason her life stands in ruins and she doesn’t even know where her brother is.

Out among the planets of the frontier Lithia is caught up in events far bigger than herself and that she doesn’t really understand but Lithia has always been a survivor and to rescue her brother Lithia will find strength she never knew she had and go further than she ever thought possible.

Available in
Paperback, Ebook and Audio Book


Meat the Authors

The creative forces behind the epic sci-fi saga

Alexander Barnes and Christopher Preiman are the co-authors of The Amaranth Chronicles: Deviant Rising and some prequel novellas. Combining a passion for futuristic storytelling with thought-provoking themes, their work explores the intersection of humanity, technology, and survival.

Discover more about their journey and creative vision on the About Us page.

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